Support MissionInvest USA to meet the social and spiritual needs of underprivileged people in Africa, Asia and Central America with sharing the Gospel, giving access to water and providing healthcare. Only with your help and by God's grace we will succeed.
America is experiencing turbulent days and 2024 will undoubtedly prove to be a historic year! We pray for rest, peace, and God's protection and that He will bless the UNITED States of America! The whole world is plagued by unrest and uncertainty because we live in a broken world. It’s not hopeless, though, because the BEST is yet to come! God promised us this! While we wait for Jesus' return, we’re called to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God." (Micah 6:8).
We can practice that “walking” during the summer! Quiet down, set yourself apart, meditate on God’s Word, and take joy in the presence of God. What an enormous privilege to even take a vacation which is something billions of people in this world can only dream of. Most are constantly in “survival mode.”
This is the reason that this newsletter focuses on the most basic needs with which you can help your fellow man. With your help, we are meeting essential needs: sharing the Gospel, delivering clean water, and providing crucial healthcare. Jesus says, “You always have the poor with you.” This isn’t just an observation, but speaks of our responsibility to look after them in Jesus Name!
I wish you all a wonderful and blessed summer season!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Wim Hasselman
President MissionInvest USA
The blessing of a capable and committed board!
It’s such an enjoyment to work with people who are so dedicated and, at the same time, experts in their field and so driven. During the last week of June, I had such an enjoyable experience in Washington, D.C. As MissionInvest USA Board, we spent a few days together. We were welcomed into the home of one of the board members where we ate all our meals together. While enjoying the wonderful hospitality, we took time to discuss MissionInvest USA's progress and plans. Our board members are truly exceptional in their active engagement and focus on unity. Praying for each other, for MissionInvest’s work, and the desire to serve God's Kingdom REALLY brings true connection! Let us be an instrument in Your hand, O God!
We also enjoyed times of refreshment together. An extensive tour of the Capitol Building was a highlight because a board member has access through his work. We saw so much and learned even more fascinating American history! It's such a unique country! The Capitol Buildings are so monumental and impressive. For anyone visiting Washington, D.C., this is a definite must see!
Urgent Project - Help spread the Gospel in India!
The largest country in the world is also the least reached with the Gospel. This is India! We want to actively focus on bringing the Gospel there. Since 2022, we’ve been active and now work in 5 regions of India together with our partners NET & CityBibles. We’re so amazed at how the Lord has opened doors bringing us into contact with small Christian churches that have a huge desire for further Biblical training as well as distributing literature. 450 lay pastors have been trained in just the last few years alone. We’ve also distributed tens of thousands of Bibles as well as 300,000 keychains which give access to a powerful Bible app containing the Bible in ten different Indian tribal languages along with videos and podcasts.
During the next few years, we’re committed to continuing to spread the Gospel and train an additional 500 pastors as well as distribute 39,000 copies of the Gospel of John, 9,000 New Testaments, and 90,000 keychains through the churches in their own local communities. The hunger for God’s Word is immense! The government is cracking down more and more on Christians so we may only have a short time. In areas where we already are working, persecution is real. Churches are burned down and pastors are threatened by fundamentalist Hindus. That’s why this project is so urgent! Let us work while it's still day! Will you help us fund the remaining $100,000? Read more here!
NEW Project! - The GOAL3 initiative rescues children under 5!
It’s hard to fathom. Each and every year, 5 million children die before their fifth birthday despite the availability of effective and affordable treatments. It’s estimated that 55% of the deaths of children under 5 and 66% of the deaths of newborns could be prevented through improved healthcare. While effective and affordable treatments are available at clinics, patients aren’t treated in a timely manner simply due to inadequate patient monitoring caused by a shortage in staff and equipment. This results in an increase in complications which require significantly more time and resources to resolve if it is even possible at that late stage. For example, every single hour that detection and treatment are delayed with conditions like sepsis increases the risk of death by an astounding 10%!
GOAL3 developed the IMPALA system to address these challenges. This is a comprehensive patient monitoring solution to support healthcare providers working in low-resource settings mainly in Africa. We are aiming to reduce child mortality by 10-20% in 4 hospitals in Malawi which will save the lives of 80-160 children every year in those 4 regional hospitals! This year, our funding needs are $100,000 for this project. Read more here.
Project Mozambique - Clear results from clean drinking water
While we often take clean drinking water for granted, in Mozambique, it remains a luxury with many forced to travel long distances for even contaminated sources. Dorcas Mozambique’s WaterTime program provides vital safe water access tackling hygiene issues and preventing disease transmission. Beyond health benefits, it empowers women and girls by easing their water-fetching burdens which facilitates school attendance. The results are clear! Fewer waterborne illnesses, increased local job opportunities and a bolstering in community resilience. WaterTime has introduced two groundbreaking innovations. The first is a solar-powered installation of modular micro water systems which is a huge leap forward in sustainable water management. The second is the implementation of a pre-paid TokenTap system ensuring efficient and equitable water distribution further enhancing sustainability. WaterTime providesclean drinking water for 3,850 households in three villages with substantial, widespread impact. Help MissionInvest USA fund the $115,000 they need for clean, sustainable drinking water! Read more here.