Purpose, meaningful, value. All terms that show that we are searching for meaning. Everyone wants to be meaningful in his or her own way. Especially as Christians, we have an important calling to serve others. With MissionInvest USA we would like to inspire and facilitate you in this.
We have so much to be thankful for! When I was in Northern India a few weeks ago, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness. The people there must cope with very basic food, poor hygiene, and very limited health care. At the same time, I was so moved by the many conversations I had with Christians there although it was difficult hearing their day-to-day reality. Many are discriminated against and even openly attacked by extreme Hindus. Together with them, we are the body of Christ which is why we are called to stand with our brothers and sisters there! When I got home, it was so clear, again, that we have every reason to celebrate Thanksgiving and God’s abundant blessings!
We’re all looking forward to Christmas now and celebrating the coming of Jesus who is not only the Source of all blessing. He’s our hopeful expectation! He came in darkness to bring Light to this world.
As Christians, let’s radiate that Light and bless many! Our focus at MissionInvest USA is to bring that hope and make a tangible difference in the lives of poor and vulnerable people with our projects and some still need your help to get started!
Let your heart and your own mission guide you in finding one of our projects that you can wholeheartedly support!
Wim Hasselman
President MissionInvest USA
MissionInvest's Foundation
In conversations with (potential) donors, we often hear that MissionInvest’s concept is very unique. So how does MissionInvest work and how do you benefit as a donor?
To start, MissionInvest USAhas a very clear mission, namely, to share the Gospel and to help the poor create a sustainable life. We seek to offer a hopeful perspective with projects that have both direct and long-term impact. For project financing, we use a “blended approach” of both donations and investment capital. Our portfolio can be divided into three categories:
Missionary projects - sharing the Gospel
Basic needs projects - access to food, water and health care
Work & income projects – sustainable income for families
MissionInvest works exclusively with Christian partners who have been carefully selected based on 13 criteria during a vetting process. These are usually small and medium-sized NGOs with excellent projects who often cannot afford their own fundraiser and, therefore, lack a solid donor base. MissionInvest offers these NGOs extraordinary added value by providing significant exposure.
Lastly, MissionInvest has clear task delineation regarding partnership collaboration. MissionInvest is, at times, asked to consult on project creation, but its primary task is, of course, fundraising and development. The partner organizations are primarily responsible for project execution and reporting with MissionInvest coordinating the donor reporting in advance while continuously monitoring the project progress. Where possible, we personally visit the projects, as well.
Personal connection with the projects
For our donors, involvement is so much more than just financial support! MissionInvest also facilitates the opportunity for personal connection with the project which could mean a visit to the project, brainstorming on project development, or (online) partner updates. This enables donors to truly be part of the mission and experience its impact up close!
In essence, MissionInvest finances Kingdom projects by connecting donors with a project that best suits their mission. We do this in a personal, active and transparent way all the while guaranteeing quality for our donors. Since administration costs are limited to an average of only 7%, this means that a remarkable 93% of your donation directly benefits the project and the people themselves!
Visit to beautiful India!
The unspoiled nature, the rustic villages and the women’s colorful saris make India so unique, not to mention the Indian people who are so friendly. Whatmakes India extra special to me, though, is an experience I had in 1998 while I was there.This was God’s decisive calling to let go of my business career and work in the NGO world of missions & development. After working in the business field for 15 years, it was a big change financially, as well. God has always provided, and I haven’t regretted it for a moment. Since 2001, I’ve worked with passion and I see it as an enormous privilege to use the practical business experience I gained to the benefit of God's Kingdom. It all started in India in 1998 and now, 25 years later, I have learned so much and I look forward to the next 25 years!
In rural India, though, time stands still. The hustle and bustle and all the new developments don’t have much impact here. We seek to provide a sustainable way of life for the families who live here by focusing on basic needs such as food, water and healthcare, as well as sustainable work opportunities. During my trip, I was able to visit a few small-scale rural clinics. It was enormously inspiring to see the practical, tangible difference they personally make because they are, simply, the only medical facility for miles around. MissionInvest focuses on sharing the life-giving Gospel, as well! Where the Word is present, things happen! The amazing testimonies that we heard from Christians demonstrate that His Kingdom is alive in India! The countless encounters with fellow believers are the irrefutable proof!
Support the GlobalRize project in India!
Is your heart yearning to support a project in India? If so, please consider GlobalRize whose internet missions project specializes in reaching millions of people with the Gospel and tens of thousands now following the GlobalRize online discipleship course. GlobalRize translates Bibles and teachings into the 10 most spoken languages of India. In 2024, this project still needs $60,000. Please help us help them!
MissionInvest USA is growing rapidly. With that in mind, in 2024 we continued to build strategic partnerships with reputable organizations in philanthropic giving. We are very thankful for our partnerships with National Christian Foundation, TrustBridge Global and with Impact Foundation.
Is Your Giving Strategic?*
Have you ever considered how you can be more strategic in your giving? For instance, what’s your vision to make an impact through your generosity? Which values drive your giving? As the end of the year fast approaches, now is the time to answer these important questions and develop a thoughtful giving plan.
Are you passionate about supporting the neediest around the world like we are? Are you willing to support projects by building organizational capacity? Is your mission not to be a “goer” but a “sender”? If so, please consider supporting MissionInvest USA! You've already read about the many impactful Christian relief and development projects from global NGOs that MI-USA vets for donors. While you may not fully fund a project yourself, collectively, we can make a lasting impact and create ripples of hope for those in greatest need! Please make a gift online at the MI-USA website .
If you have any questions about developing a strategy for your giving, feel free to contact us about how to get started. Thanks so much for your support!
*This article was provided byAndy Ho, board member MI USA!
Help Northeast Ghana with Safe Drinking Water!
Are you aware that almost half of the world's population doesn’t have access to safe drinking water? In Northeast Ghana, this is reality. Unsafe water brings with it disease and disrupts families’ daily lives. Our partner, Water4, from Oklahoma, thankfully offers an innovative, sustainable solution by bringing clean drinking water through a pipe system directly to homes, businesses and schools. This project provides 4,400 people in Northeast Ghana with safe drinking water and, in turn, creates a sustainable revenue model with a network which can easily be scaled up. Water4 not only provides clean drinking water, but also shares the Gospel, the Living Water! As a result, families not only get better living conditions, but they are also spiritually strengthened and equipped.
Before Year-End $100,000 is still needed for this amazing Kingdom project. With your donation, families in Northeast Ghana will be given healthy drinking water and a truly hopeful future!